

1st Generation of Deschenes and Miville Genealogy Available Now!

Name Variations Library History First Generation


The Deschênes name was first used in Québec on October 19, 1669 in the Duquet marriage contract between Jacques Miville and Catherine de Baillon . At that time his name was written "Jacques Miville Sieur desChesnes."

The English translation of Deschenes is "of the oaks". 
Therefore, Jacques Miville Sieur desChesnes is really "Jacques Miville gentleman of the Oaks".

Since 1669 many of Jacques Miville's decendants adopted the Deschesnes family name. The name was eventually shortened to Deschênes. This was done by replacing the es with ê, a common practice in french grammar at the time.

Should you find errors on these web pages, (there will be some initially, but I hope that all information will be eventually verified and all sources properly quoted) please contact me so I may make any needed changes.

If you are related to the Deschênes lineage and would like to place a link to one of the pages please also contact me.


2000 Miville - Deschenes Reunion  


Please contact Raymond Deschenes


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Raymond Deschenes
Last modified:

July 6, 2007
